Monday, March 8, 2010

OceanGybe Global Research & Outreach Expedition

Today Paso Pacifico is doing a beach clean-up with local children from Ostional in coordination with OceanGybe, an expedition of Canadian surfers.

They describe themselves as "surfers, sailors, and explorers" on "a voyage of exploration, research, and education." Their dream is "to circumnavigate the globe to document the state of the oceans and beaches we visit, search out the best waves and meet new people has become reality."

We're excited to connect with more surfers, as this year we've launched a new initiative to expand our environmental education to the local surfing community, thanks to the SIMA Environmental Fund. Adventurous expatriates have been surfing in Nicaragua for years, and surfing is increasingly popular with young Nicaraguans, particularly in many of the rural fishing communities where we work.

Documentary film maker Andy Naysmith is with the OceanGybe crew to film the day's activities, so hopefully one day we can see some footage.

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