Parrots require tall trees for nesting or large, mature trees which form natural cavities, where the parrots like to lay their eggs. Without suitable nesting sites, parrots don't nest.
Look closely and you'll see one of two nesting Yellow-naped parrots guarding a nest opening.
And the two newly hatched chicks he's protecting.
This is one of twenty nests being protected by members of our incentive program. Yellow-naped parrots only have two eggs per clutch, which makes it harder to ensure a healthy population.
Remember our artificial parrot nests?
No parrots have had clutches in them, yet.
But the local squirrels have taken up residence.
This is what a baby Central American squirrel looks like.
This woolly opossum (Caluromys derbianus)
made himself at home, as well.
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