The group spent two weeks visiting protected areas in Costa Rica and Nicaragua and learning how to best tackle the challenges of planning and managing protected areas in a changing world.

Paso Pacifico Country Director Liza Gonzalez showed our visitors how we apply the principles of ecology to manage protected areas from ridge to reef in the Paso del Istmo biological corridor.
Foresters at the Isla Vista Reserve showcased our reforestation efforts, turtle rangers at the La Flor protected area explained how they monitor and protect turtle nests, and kayak guides in Ostional showed them the mangroves.

We also shared our experience in using conservation finance to pay for personnel to help protect endangered species, like sea turtles and spider monkeys.
Among the highlights? Spider monkeys at the Isla Vista Reserve appear to be getting used to our researchers, as they didn't disappear the moment the group came into view.

Thanks to project coordinators, Jim Barborak and Miguel Morales from Conservation International, and Elena Florian from CATIE for a great visit!
For more information about the seminar, you can download this PDF.
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