Saturday, April 25, 2009

El Ostional apuesta al turismo

La Prensa has published a piece on our sea kayak training program (in Spanish), designed to promote eco-tourism in San Juan del Sur and Ostional.

The goal of this program is to train young people to become eco-tourism guides, taking advantage of their region's natural beauty (and the kayaks we've furnished with the help of USAID) to launch their own micro-businesses and educate people about the mangroves and coastal ecosystems which are home to birds and other wildlife.

Fabio Collado Vargas, a former fisherman who has joined our program, was quoted:
Pues esto lo estamos haciendo en momentos que la situación económica de El Ostional es muy difícil, y al menos tenemos la esperanza de ganar algo de dinero, y que con esta oferta vengan más turistas a El Ostional.
The economic climate in Ostional is hard, he explains, and this sea kayaking opportunity means a chance to to earn some money and bring more tourists to Ostional.

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