Monday, April 8, 2013

Safeguarding valuable ecosystems, increasing prosperity

From the Rainforest Alliance:
As the world’s population grows and natural resources dwindle, the creation of parks and protected natural areas is not enough to solve the problem of forest destruction. The Rainforest Alliance believes that it is possible to safeguard valuable ecosystems while still allowing communities and businesses to extract the forest resources upon which their livelihoods depend.  
The farms, forests and tourism businesses with which we work not only manage their own lands sustainably but they also function as an integral part of the larger landscape -- keeping trees standing, preventing erosion, protecting waterways and soils, providing wildlife habitat and reducing the risk of fires and other destructive activities. Together, sustainably managed businesses and neighboring protected areas can form a thriving mosaic that nurtures ecosystems, wildlife and people.
We agree, which is why we combine conservation practices with programs aimed toward increased prosperity for local residents. Working with farmers, foresters, private reserves, and micro-enterprise, our programs are helping the people of western Nicaragua flourish as they share the natural beauty of their home with visitors from around the world.

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